Release notes are separated into two parts, depending on the SCREEENR CLOUD elements. The three parts of the cloud components are the DESIGNER, the MANAGER and the PLAYER.
Release notes – August 2022
Asset Upload
Asset upload is possible in the same upload dialog box as the SCREEENR Admin. Users do not have to switch windows.
Video Assets
Video assets are not added any more as HTML Videos by default from Assets panel. Users now have a choice to add videos as a Project / Page background video or as an HTML Video
Video Validation
Video playing can be resource heavy and the devices usually can not play more than 2 videos at the same time, so we added a validation checker for the videos, to make sure users can only save contents that are playable on their devices. It is only allowed to play a maximum of 2 videos at the same time.
Rename pages
Pages can be renamed by double clicking on its current name on the Pages bar to make it much quicker
QR Code DataBinding
QR Code widgets can use data binding as their value now. If the user wants to use QR Codes for pairing (show QR code if a variable is not given e.g.: ean) you can do it by checking “Bind as value”
Assets: Upload
Asset upload is checking if the asset is already uploaded so you won’t create duplications by accident
Duplication detection can take longer for large video files, but much faster than the unnecessary upload
Assets: Tree View
There is a new view for assets, where users can browse assets easier within folder structures
In this view users can rename folders