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EuroShop (February 2023)

Meet us on EuroShop in Düsseldorf! 26 FEBRUARY - 2 MARCHHALL 5 - C27Düsseldorf, GermanyEuroShop 2023: PRIME TIME for your business GET MOVED BY EUROSHOP 2023 Experience the 8 dimensions to move you forward. OFF TO NEW DIGITAL SHORES! - As goes retail, so goes EuroShop: with ever more technology. Ever more comprehensive, more...
SCREEENR Release notes – August 2021

SCREEENR Release notes – August 2021

Release notes are separated into two parts, depending on the SCREEENR CLOUD elements. The three parts of the cloud components are the DESIGNER, the MANAGER and the PLAYER.Release notes - August 2021Designer DataBinding DataBinding made easier with a data picker Search...

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